General Meeting Agreement

As businesses and organizations continue to grow, the need for regular meetings becomes more important. General meetings bring together stakeholders, board members, and other important decision-makers to discuss key issues, make decisions, and plan for the future. However, without clear agreement on what needs to be discussed and how, it can be challenging to achieve the desired outcomes. This is where a general meeting agreement comes in.

A general meeting agreement is a formal document that outlines the rules and procedures for conducting a general meeting. It helps ensure that all stakeholders understand the purpose of the meeting and what is expected of them. Here are some key elements that should be included in a general meeting agreement.


The agenda is the backbone of any general meeting. It should be sent out to all participants well in advance of the meeting, ideally a week ahead of time, so everyone has enough time to prepare. The agenda should outline the topics to be discussed, who will be presenting or leading each topic, and how much time will be allocated for each item.


The general meeting agreement should also specify who is expected to attend the meeting. In general, this will include all stakeholders, board members, and other decision-makers. However, there may be exceptions, so it`s important to clarify who should be present and who can be excused.

Voting Procedures

Another important component of a general meeting agreement is voting procedures. The agreement should specify how votes will be cast, who is eligible to vote, and what constitutes a quorum. It should also specify what happens if there is a tie.


Finally, the agreement should specify who will be responsible for taking minutes during the meeting. This person should be identified in advance and should understand the importance of accurate record-keeping. The minutes should be circulated to all participants within a week of the meeting.

In conclusion, a general meeting agreement is an essential document for any organization holding regular meetings. It helps ensure that everyone is on the same page and that key issues are addressed in an efficient and effective manner. By including the above elements in a general meeting agreement, organizations can help ensure that their meetings achieve the desired outcomes and move their organization forward.