What Does It Mean for an Apartment to Be in Contract

When it comes to the world of real estate, there are many terms that can be confusing and overwhelming, especially for those who are unfamiliar with the industry. One such term is “in contract,” which is often used when discussing apartments. So, what does it mean for an apartment to be in contract? In 

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Agency Shop Collective Bargaining Agreement

Agency Shop Collective Bargaining Agreement: Understanding the Basics If you`re an employee working in a unionized workplace, it`s essential to understand the agency shop collective bargaining agreement. Collective bargaining is the process that unions use to negotiate with employers for better wages, benefits, and working conditions for employees. The agency shop agreement is a 

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Double Tax Agreement South Africa and Kenya

Double tax agreement between South Africa and Kenya: A guide for investors South Africa and Kenya have recently signed a double tax agreement (DTA) to help stimulate trade and investment between the two nations. The new agreement, which was signed on 18 April 2019, aims to eliminate the double taxation of individuals and companies 

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Car Rental Agreement India

Car Rental Agreements: What You Need to Know When Renting a Car in India Rental cars can be a great convenience when traveling in India. Not only do they offer flexibility and mobility, but they can also save you money on expensive taxis or tour packages. However, when renting a car in India, it 

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What Is the Effect of a Waiver on a Breach of Contract

When two parties enter into a contract, they both agree to a set of terms and conditions which they must adhere to. However, sometimes one party may breach the contract, resulting in the other party seeking damages or legal action. In such cases, the party who was wronged may choose to waive their right 

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