Can Force Majeure Be Implied into a Contract

Force majeure is a clause commonly included in contracts to protect parties from unexpected events that may prevent either party from fulfilling its obligations under the contract. Such events may include natural disasters, war, strikes, or any other unforeseeable occurrence that is beyond the parties` control. However, the question arises, can force majeure be 

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Agreement on Spending Bill

After weeks of negotiations, the House and Senate have come to an agreement on a spending bill that will fund the government through September 30th. The bill, which totals $1.4 trillion in spending, includes funding for various government agencies and programs. One of the key provisions in the spending bill is $25 billion in 

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Consulting Firm Agreement

A consulting firm agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a consulting agreement between a company or individual and a consulting firm. This agreement is crucial in ensuring that the consulting services are carried out smoothly and efficiently. When drafting a consulting firm agreement, there are several key elements 

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